Sunday, April 12, 2009

Why this post? Recently, a friend & I were asked to lead studies of Scripture in a group for which we had been participants for short of three years. Why were we asked? Because it was known we love Scripture and possess better than average knowledge of it. We chose the topic of "Sound Doctrine". Why sound doctrine? Because it was obvious there was little growth & numerous individuals held dearly pet beliefs that were NOT rooted in Scripture contrary to their opinions. Primarily, they held to their opinions as if it were Scripture. These opinions were formed as the result of simplified and reduced doctrines presented from a Mega Church pulpit.

Why this post? The leadership, who asked that we lead these studies, "knee jerked" when the "Sword of the Spirit" was being removed from its scabbard. Myths were being revealed and the sovereignty of the Lord was being revealed as the Light of the Gospel began to shine forth. Within days, we were asked to stand-down because "unity and fellowship was at risk" says the leadership. One leader said, "If you believe you were called to this, God bless you. If so, you'll have to take it elsewhere. We can't have it here." Does this sound familiar to other passages of Scripture?

A rebuke was issued in the spirit of Titus 1:9. Of course, this brought about no change in leadership's direction. Dispite the presentation of Scriptural Authority, the leadership continues as is. I ask why? Why do these people aspire to leadership positions they deem have a higher authority than Scripture?

That is why this post? -- the moderator

1 comment:

  1. "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." 2 Timothy 4:3-4 ESV
